What Is GSM?
Did you think all towels were the same and the only thing you had to look out for was whether your towel would moult or whether the colour suited your bathroom design? GSM, short for grams per square meter, is the standard measurement for both the weight and the quality of fabrics. In more simpler words, GSM refers to the density of the towel. The guidelines go as follows: the lower the GSM, the lighter and thinner the towel is. The concept of GSM has officially just made your shop for a new bath towel even harder. Towel rules just got heavy…900 GSM style!
[if !supportLists]• [endif]300-400 GSM - A lighter and thinner towel, for quick-drying towels such as gym towels or kitchen towels.
[if !supportLists]• [endif]400-600 GSM - A medium weight and the heaver the gram weight, the more absorbent it is. This is ideal for beach towels and bath towels.
[if !supportLists]• [endif]600-900 GSM - This weight is denser, heavier and more absorbent which will take longer to dry than a lower GSM.

Of course it is not only the GSM that influences the quality of the towel. As mentioned in our previous article on What Is a Thread Count? (link), the type of cotton effects the quality too. Airlinen provides towel rental for airbnbs and shortlet apartments which contains premium quality pure white linen with a 600 GSM. This ensures the quality of the towel to be softer than 300-400 GSM and will dry quicker.
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Visit www.airlinen.co.uk to provide your guests with Premium Quality 600 GSM towel rental, along with Airbnb linen hire, professional cleaning and luxury hotel toiletries.